Types of HR Training to Produce Superior Employees

Employees are a very valuable company asset. Without qualified employees, it will be difficult for companies to survive let alone develop in the midst of fierce business competition. Therefore, HR training is so necessary. HR training should not only be carried out at the beginning of employee recruitment, but should also be carried out throughout the employee’s working period. What types of HR training do you think are essential to your company’s existence? Here’s crsquest.com an explanation.


Orientation is not only carried out when you are just entering college, but it is also very important to welcome new employees in your business. This type of HR training has a fairly crucial function, namely aligning employees with the company’s core values.

What are the things that should be conveyed in the orientation? Start with an introduction to the company such as the vision and mission as well as the history of the company’s founding. Explain also about work culture in the next company and include administrative needs that must be carried out by employees, for example, such as usernames and passwords to enter the website, protection of official e-mail addresses, access to company facilities, and others. The main thing to remember is to trigger employees to start them well received and build a sense of belonging.

Hard Skills Training

The third type of training is skills or hard-skill training. The purpose of employee career development in this field is to ensure that employees are highly proficient and qualified in carrying out their work. If you work as a chef in a star-rated restaurant or hotel, of course you have to be very good at cooking. More than that, there are micro skills that must be mastered such as understanding the spices in the finished dish, using so many different styles of cooking tools that are complicated, understanding the taboos in serving dishes and so on.

Soft Skills Training

Apart from hard skill training, what is no less important is soft skill training. In this case, workforce development refers to behaviors such as how to behave and speak to customers, discipline, tenacity, social sensitivity, and so on.

If you think broad skills and knowledge are enough to become an outstanding employee, then you are wrong. Soft skills also play a very important role in your career both while being an ordinary employee and after becoming a boss. In fact, the success of a company is inseparable from the soft skills of the people in it. The process of developing the workforce in the field of soft skills itself differs from one style of work to another. When you work in the marketing field, the soft skills needed are to get closer to the community and motivate them to buy the products you sell.